Friday, February 6, 2009

Vacuuming Your Carpets Is Important

Why is vacuuming important and what type of vacuum should I use?

Frequent vacuuming, especially in high-traffic areas, helps to remove soil particles which damage the carpet fibers and dull your carpets appearance. This is the most important thing you can do to prolong the life of your carpet. Additionally the use of area rugs and floor mats in high traffic areas will also help prolong the life of your more expensive wall to wall carpeting and reduce soil build up. It is important that you use a good quality vacuum cleaner, one that agitates the carpet pile and loosens imbedded soil.

Choose Good Quality Vacuums
A quality vacuum cleaner is vital to prolonging the beauty and life of your carpet. Daily vacuuming with an inexpensive machine can remove surface dirt but will not effectively remove particles embedded in the carpet fibers. A vacuum cleaner that has good suction and a rotating beater/brush that agitates the carpet fibers will help prevent soil buildup. We recommend the use of these machines that will mechanically loosen embedded soil for removal by the vacuum. Micro filtration vacuum bags trap microscopic particles, such as mold spores and dust mites, often found to be a source of allergies. Newer vacuum cleaners that trap these microscopic particles with replaceable HEPA filters have been shown to significantly reduce allergens in your environment. To service these machines you empty a container after their use.

Cleaning Your Carpets Regularly and Frequently by Vacuuming
It's best to take a few minutes to vacuum your carpets every few days, that way dirt does not have time to get ground deeper into the carpet fibers.Dirt and oily residue on your carpet will attract more dirt. By vacuuming frequently to remove as much loose dirt as possible and removing spots as soon as you notice them can help you avoid using strong chemical products later to get the ground in dirt and oils out. Bear in mind that walking on soiled carpet permits the particles to work their way below the surface where they are far more difficult to remove and can damage the fibers. Walking on the soiled areas will wear down the carpet fibers and carpet base which results in matting. Cleaning your carpets regularly is better for your families' health and it extends the life of your carpet.
This is not hard to achieve, all that required is vacuuming your carpet thoroughly and frequently. This is one of the most important things you can do to keep your carpets clean. For rooms with light traffic, use a vacuum cleaner on the traffic areas twice weekly and the entire area once a week. For areas with heavier traffic they need to have traffic lanes vacuumed daily and the entire area twice a week. Going one pass over an area is never enough so make sure that you sweep the vacuum cleaner across the area several times and in a crisscross pattern. Several passes of the vacuum cleaner will suffice for light soiling, but it may take vacuuming over heavily soiled areas five or more times to get the dirt out. Be sure to change the vacuuming direction occasionally to help stand the pile upright and reduce matting.

Author: T. English at Enviro Steam Carpet Care for more interesting carpet care tips check out our website at

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